I was 13 years old when addiction grabbed ahold of me. It My name is Tonya and I have been delivered from drugs and alcohol. I am a mother of three children and a grandmother to three grandchildren. My struggle with addiction started around 10 years ago after the death of my mother. All my life I felt an emptiness inside, and after losing my mom I started trying to fill that emptiness with pills, alcohol, and eventually meth.

At the age of 44, I tried meth for the first time. At the time, this drug seemed to be the answer to all my problems. Little did I know that within 6 months I would lose everything, including my children and grandchildren. Meth took me to the darkest place I had ever been and after 3 years I finally ended up in jail. After being in jail for a few weeks, I was given the opportunity to come to the Women of Hope. There are no words to describe what God has done in my life through the Women of Hope. The last 12 months has restored my family and filled the emptiness I have felt most of my life with His mercy, grace, and love. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.